chemin creux
passer by parler
sous le toit des feuilles venteuses
like dr beak waggsd
(Martin Burr)
Petite forĂȘt accueillante
fraĂźcheur, verdure, chant des oiseaux
Ă quelques pas seulement des cultures de mais
chemin creux
qui sent le lierre
et la menthe sauvage
branche morte mon siege et ma balançoire devenir bosquet
chemin creux maison dans le paysage
corridor de fuite un abri a protection particularité sundgovienne
tant d’attaques tant de guerres
rien Ă craindre sauf d’ĂȘtre l’Autre courir ver le village
la synagogue
space d’Ă©change between vie horizontale et vie verticale between chemin, prĂ© et forĂȘt
l’ortie is pure.
(Victor Saudan)
Gaschtfrdlichs waldli
frĂŒschi, grĂŒeni, vogelgsang
it few footsteps from the cornfield
hello gass
it tastes like ivy and wild coins
dead-asht my seat and mys gygampfi would become a forest
hohli gass huus in dr landscape
fugitive shelter shelter sundgau peculiarity
so much i attack so much i chrieg
use z’fefechte usser dr Anderi z’y to the dörfli Ronne
place for uustusch between wogrÀchtm and sÀnkrÀchtm lÀbe between weg, fÀld and forest
d’brönnessle syni queen.
(Victor Saudan)
Here I am sitting by the side of the road. Can you see me? You are reading what I am writing now. I imagine you. you imagine me
The magic is in the imagination.
Let’s be touched by the situation!
My butt gets wet and cold. It’s early April. Later there will be undergrowth here, now I’m sitting in last year’s copse.
I’ve been careful where I sit. This path is mainly used by dogs and their owners.
The forest behind me is alive. The many birds in it characterize the atmosphere. In front of me, in the distance, I see a row of detached houses, trees and – a pastel sky in soft gray tones that sometimes give way to a little light blue.
If I look down the tree-lined path towards the village, I see children doing laps on their bicycles. They are curious, circling higher and higher towards me.
Now an airplane pulls up and over everything, with a loud noise that breaks through everything.
Now it’s over, only a rumbling hangs in the air, it fades away very slowly. The chirping of the birds can be heard again.
I never understood why planes are allowed to make so much noise.
When there is too much noise, the birds and people fall silent because they can no longer hear each other.
Below, at the first house, where the paved road begins, no more circles are drawn with bicycles. Instead, a bigger boy lets a remote-controlled model car curve around him and a little boy, who has just learned to walk, stomps and stumbles behind the car until he falls. His weeping penetrates the chirping to my ears.
(Mimi von Moss)